Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Queries.............. WSGS Blog Wants YOURS

Webster's defines the word query as "a question or a request for information about something." 

In genealogy circles, a query is a printed question asking for identifying help with an ancestor and posted to places from where that answer might come. 

If that is true, then we ask: Would a query about a Pacific Northwest ancestor posted to this blog bring an answer?  How will we know if we do not try? We invite any genealogist in the WSGS region to submit their Pacific Northwest query to me for posting to our blog. Send your query to

Here is a sample query:  "I would like to know more about the U.S. Army's Balloon Company, stationed at Port Townsend, Washington, about 1920." 

Or "I would like to find a roster of the men who served in the Balloon Company posted to Port Townsend in 1920." 

Or, "My ancestor was Neal Cumberland, b. 1899 in Oklahoma, who served with the Balloon Company in Port Townsend in 1920....... I would like to know more about him." 

Get the idea?

Personally, yes, I really would like to know more about the Balloon Company  stationed there in Port Townsend... the still-standing hanger is used by a theatrical company nowadays. And I would really like to find a roster of the men stationed there!  Neal Cumberland is totally made-up. :-)  

Do you know anything about this Balloon Company or know of a source for me?

P.S. This Balloon Company was established for Coastal watching and defense..... not for parties. In case you were wondering. 

Gwen Earley Named Outstanding Volunteer

Since 2003, the Washington State Genealogical Society has recognized more than 400 outstanding volunteers, nominated by their local society or genealogical organization for their service and dedication. These volunteers are the backbone of their local society, giving their time and expertise, to the organization and the field of genealogy. In the coming months, you will be introduced to each of the 2014 award recipients and learn why they received the 2014 WSGS Outstanding Volunteer Award.

Today we're introducing Gwendolyn James Earley who was nominated by the Chelan Valley Genealogical Society (CVGS).  She was recognized for her exceptional leadership to support the goals and operation of the CVGS.

Several years ago the City of Chelan's library was so overcrowded, CVGS was asked to remove its books and materials, dispersing everything to various members’ homes. Ms. Earley, owner/manager of Company 107, a local high-quality men’s clothing store, and the daughter of a CVGS member, helped the society regain prestige by inviting them to participate in the downtown sales promotion called “First Friday.” With Ms. Earley’s optimistic support, CVGS members staffed a table monthly during the event to encourage family history research.

Ms. Earley also helped CVGS establish a Facebook presence to announce their meetings and services. The society has now regained its presence at the new Chelan Community Library, and its meetings are well-attended.

Ms. Earley’s enthusiastic promotional efforts were much appreciated by the CVGS and she certainly deserved the 2014 Outstanding Volunteer Award.

Fore more information on the WSGS Outstanding Volunteer Award program, visit the Recognition page of the WSGS website or contact Roxanne Lowe, Recognition Chair, at

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Tri City Genealogical Society Newsflash

At their November meeting, members of the Tri-City Genealogical Society (Richland, Kennewick, Pasco) elected the following officers for 2015:

Left to right:  John Covey, president;  Margaret Dunn, treasurer;  Mary Kay Walker, secretary; and Barbara Christensen, vice-president.  Another position has also been filled, Linda Stephens has graciously agreed to take over the job of Monthly Update editor from Renee Petersen.

This society has been floundering just a tad and let's hope that with such a good looking core of new officers that TCGS will blossom and flourish!

Our Wonderful Washington!

Drove the 800 mile round trip from Spokane to Port Angeles and back last weekend to visit son and family. Snoqualmie Pass was sunny and bare and I marveled all the way over our fantastic Washington scenery..... and how on earth can a Scenic View be CLOSED! But going west down to the Columbia River, there it was.

Coming back across, the view from the Kingston-Edmonds ferry of the Seattle skyline, with Mt. Rainier looming in the background, was awesome.... can you spot the Space Needle?

And the view from the ferry north to Mt. Baker was equally stunning:

Gotta love our WSDOT cameras which show the roads and (more importantly) the passes in real time, day or night. Gives one confidence to tackle a trip! This is the camera view from today at "my" approach into Spokane but Snoqualmie looked just like this yesterday........ bare!  (Do you check the WSDOT cameras before you venture forth??) 


In case anybody was missing my posts, I did scribble a bunch in advance but did not properly schedule them........ you'll get a big bunch in the next little bit. Just in case you missed me.......


Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Janet Damm Named Outstanding Volunteer

Since 2003, the Washington State Genealogical Society has recognized more than 400 outstanding volunteers, nominated by their local society or genealogical organization for their service and dedication. These volunteers are the backbone of their local society, giving their time and expertise, to the organization and the field of genealogy. In the coming months, you will be introduced to each of the 2014 award recipients and learn why they received the 2014 WSGS Outstanding Volunteer Award.

Today we're introducing Janet Margolis Damm who was nominated by the Whitman County Genealogical Society (WCGS).  She was recognized for her exceptional leadership to support the goals and operation of the WCGS.

Ms. Damm has been a member of the WCGS since its beginning in 1984.  She first served as historian and publicity chair, then elected librarian in 2005.  Former librarians had begun the process of cataloging the society’s 300+ acquisitions of books, with boxes yet to be processed.  Over the next eight years, Ms. Damm caught up with the backlog, while cataloging new books as acquired by the society. Upon completion of the inventory, WCGS members were each given a copy of the holdings book of nearly 1,000 titles.

Ms. Damm has self-published three surname books and a query book.  She also compiled “Germans from Russia, Index of Naturalization Records in Whitman County, Washington 1860-1942.”

Ms. Damm has always been willing to help and support any project, activity or program the WCGS has undertaken and richly deserved the 2014 Outstanding Volunteer Award.

For more information on the WSGS Outstanding Volunteer Award program, visit the Recognition page of the WSGS website or contact Roxanne Lowe, Recognition Chair, at


Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Stephen Cornick Named Outstanding Volunteer

Since 2003, the Washington State Genealogical Society has recognized more than 400 outstanding volunteers, nominated by their local society or genealogical organization for their service and dedication. These volunteers are the backbone of their local society, giving their time and expertise, to the organization and the field of genealogy. In the coming months, you will be introduced to each of the 2014 award recipients and learn why they received the 2014 WSGS Outstanding Volunteer Award.

Today we're introducing Stephen Roe Cornick was nominated by the Clark County Genealogical Society (CCGS).  He was recognized for his exceptional leadership to support the goals and operation of the Clark County Genealogical Society (CCGS).

Mr. Cornick has been an active member of the CCGS for over eight years. He is their immediate Past President, having served as President for four years prior to which he served as Secretary to the Board of Directors for two years.

Mr. Cornick was called on by the CCGS to reshape a dysfunctional organization which was trying to recover from an exodus of approximately 300 members in a short period of time. He commenced a redefinition in leadership roles, redefined the Board from being discrete role players to being part of a super-management team. He also broke through the protocol that caused some members to suppress their opinions or suggestions for fear of offending each other.

Mr. Cornick also revised the CCGS annual fund appeal, resulting in a nearly 100 percent increase in support from the membership. As a result of his leadership efforts, he richly deserved the 2014 Outstanding Volunteer Award.


Kittitas County Genealogical Society News Flash

Tell Your Two Minute Genealogy Story at Jan. 2015 Genealogy Meeting

Last evening Mary Christensen announced our assignment to prepare for the 7 PM Jan 6, 2015regular Kittitas Co Genealogy Soc meeting:

BRING AN OBJECT THAT YOU CAN TELL A 2 Minute family story about.

Mary suggested writing down your two minute story
December 2014 Yakima Society newsletter should be in our library by Wednesday. On page 3 describes a Winter 1918-9 train trip from Tri-Cities area to an uncle’s ranch in the Wenas. They accessed the Wenas via Ellensburg. Her uncle met them with a car & drove up Shushuskin Canyon in those days, as the Yakima Canyon road was not built until the 1930s (& passenger train from their remote White Bluffs area did not go up through Yakima town, but rather up the Columbia River to Beverly WA, and a Milwaukee Road train to Ellensburg). Also good is her description of her Uncle Jack’s ranch in the Wenas.
Many of us have Irish or Ulster Scot ancestors. In Yakima Saturday, March 28, 2015 , Spring Seminar  (YVGS)   9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Irish Research. Presenters Fintan Mullan & Gillian Hunt from the Ulster Historical Foundation in Ireland. They’d be experts in Irish Republic, as well as Ulster

Ulster Historical Foundation News Flash

Ulster Historical Foundation
Telling the story of the people of Ulster since 1956

Tracing Your Irish Ancestors                                                             

Since the website for our September 2015 family history conference went live, we have been delighted by the response and the number of registrations received. The extensive and innovative programme of Tracing Your Irish Ancestors is clearly striking a chord with people and we are looking forward to meeting all the participants. For more information please access or email  

Publications                 takes the stress out of Christmas shopping with books to suit a variety of interests at very competitive prices including Dr William Roulston’s magisterial history of the Hamilton family, Abercorn: The Hamilton’s of Barons Court(including the leather bound limited edition) and Dr Kathleen Rankin’s critically acclaimed, The Linen Houses of the Bann Valley (currently reduced to only £19.99) Furthermore, in addition to our existing selection of many special offers (and don’t forget the great reductions on most of our Ordnance Survey Memoirs ) we are pleased to include the following:                                                                               
Our facsimile reprint of Patrick Woulfe’s Sloinnte Gaedeal is Gall (Irish Names and Surnames) has now become available and thanks to the many of you who placed pre-publication orders. Sloinnte Gaedeal is Gall is priced at £8.99. If you are also interested in the popular, The Book of Ulster Surnamesboth books are now available at the special price of only £10.00.
Please note all online book orders are subject to postage and packing charge
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            In In addition to great books at great prices you might consider investing in an Ulster Historical Foundation Gift Certificate, (from £30.00) which may be used to buy a family history report, family starter kit or books. The ideal present for the novice or more experienced family history researcher.

Support the Foundation

The Foundation is a registered self- supporting educational charity. We are proud that over the years, support from members and friends and the proceeds from our range of services has proved sufficient to meet the many challenges of operating in a difficult economic environment. However we must acknowledge the fact that the imminent substantial cuts in public spending announced recently by the Northern Ireland Executive are a major cause for concern and will certainly have a significant impact on our project work, educational and community outreach and historical consultancy services. While we are confident that our experience, expertise and the diligence of our staff will continue to stand us in good stead, we would be most grateful if you would feel able to make a donation (of whatever size) to help ensure the continuation of our work. Your assistance can make a real difference, as was evident in our successful Scanner and Buy A Brick campaigns. For details on how to donate, please click on the donate button located on the top right hand side of our home Thank you for your consideration. 

Upcoming Events

Friday 19th December - "Winter Solstice Talk"
12.00 - 1.00pm in Waterman House, 5-33 Hill St. Belfast
Eamon Keenan, a storyteller from Belfast with a passion for the ancient irish mythologies, will entertain and surprise us with stories that relate to Yule traditions. For more information contact or phone 02890543159 

New Chapter of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War forming in Eastern Washington

We are pleased to share with you the news that the Brothers (members) of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War (SUVCW) have been authorized to form a Camp (local chapter) in Eastern Washington. 
The Camp will be officially headquartered in Kennewick, Washington and will be known as Fort Walla Walla Camp No. 3.  The Camp will serve all 20 counties of Eastern Washington.
The SUVCW was established by the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) in 1881 as their male auxiliary, and is their legal heir and representative today.
We invite you, any of your family members, friends, and/or acquaintances who reside in Eastern Washington (Zip Codes:  986xx (Klickitat County), 988xx, 989xx, 990xx, 991xx, 992xx, 993xx & 994xx), and is a male descendent (son, grandson, great grandson, nephew, grand nephew, great grand nephew, etc.) of a Union soldier, sailor, marine or Revenue Cutter serviceman to become a Charter Member of the new Camp.
For a membership application and further details, contact Richard Roddy
They plan to file their final paperwork with our National organization by the end of February.   Once the final paperwork is submitted, no one can be added as a Charter Member.  Don't miss this opportunity!
Attached is a PDF version of this announcement and an information flyer for background information.
Thank you.
Loran Bures, PCC
National Camp-at-Large and Department Organizer
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Legal heir to and representative of the Grand Army of the Republic

Eastside Genealogical Society News Flash

The Eastside Genealogical Society will meet on Thursday, January 8, 2015 in the Bellevue Regional Library, Room 1, 1111 – 110th Ave NE, Bellevue  98004 at 7pmwith doors opening at 6:30 pm for networking. 

What will happen to your Family History stuff?  You may have inherited family heirlooms, old photographs, etc.  Over the years you have spent many hours and money researching your ancestral families.  What will happen to all this stuff when you downsize your residence or pass away?  Will someone toss these items into the dumpster or give them to Goodwill or sell them in an Estate Sale?  Come learn the steps you can take now to preserve your important research and your family artifacts.  Presented by Dorothy Pretare.
Also see our website for FREE genealogical help and other Special Interest Group meetings --  .  Visitors are always welcome at all meetings.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year,
Dorothy Pretare
EGS Publicity Chairperson

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Pamela Ann Morrow Chilton Named Outstanding Volunteer

Since 2003, the Washington State Genealogical Society has recognized more than 400 outstanding volunteers, nominated by their local society or genealogical organization for their service and dedication. These volunteers are the backbone of their local society, giving their time and expertise, to the organization and the field of genealogy. In the coming months, you will be introduced to each of the 2014 award recipients and learn why they received the 2014 WSGS Outstanding Volunteer Award.

Today we're introducing Pamela Ann Morrow Chilton of Longview who was nominated by the Lower Columbia Genealogical Society (LCGS).  She was recognized for her leader­ship, knowledge, and volunteer efforts toward the goals and operation of the LCGS.

Ms. Chilton is a dedicated member of her local society, as well as the Washington State Genealogical Society (WSGS) where she was a founding and lifetime member.

Ms. Chilton is also extremely committed to the LCGS. She has served as President for two terms and started the custom of monthly genealogical presentations at their meetings, as well as giving educational programs herself. She has served on the LCGS Board of Directors for three years, and was a key organizer for the WSGS Conference in Kelso in 1986. In addition, she spearheaded a project to identify every burial location in Cowlitz County and was instrumental in its publication.

Ms. Chilton follows-through with every project she tackles. She works well with other team members and provides good direction and leadership.  She practices excellent research techniques and is always eager to share her knowledge. As a result, she richly deserved to be a recipient of a WSGS Outstanding Volunteer Award.


Monday, December 8, 2014

Snoqualmie Falls.......... Have You Ever Stopped To See?

Snoqualmie Falls is a 268 ft waterfall on the Snoqualmie River between Snoqualmie and Fall City, Washington. It is one of Washington's most popular scenic attractions, but is perhaps best known internationally for its appearance in the cult television series Twin Peaks. More than 1.5 million visitors come to the Falls every year.
Most of the river is diverted into the power plants, but at times the river is high enough to flow across the entire precipice, which creates an almost blinding spray. 
For the Snoqualmie People, who have lived for centuries in the Snoqualmie Valley in western Washington, Snoqualmie Falls is central to their culture, beliefs, and spirituality. A traditional burial site, to the Snoqualmie, the falls are "the place where First Woman and First Man were created by Moon the Transformer" and "where prayers were carried up to the Creator by great mists that rise from the powerful flow." The mists rising from the base of the waterfall are said to serve to connect Heaven and Earth. (Thanks to Wikipedia for this information; photo is mine.)
When you do next take a moment on your east or west journey on I-90 to stop at the small park right off the road and affording a great view of the falls, you cannot help but notice the interpretive signs explaining the Snoqualmie tribal history and connection to the falls. I found this short stop most interesting and do feel that we as Washington citizens should learn any and all we can about our history.  (Photo mine from one of the signs.)
Did you notice that it is SNO-QUAL-MIE.......... and not SNO-QUAL-A- MIE???

Saturday, December 6, 2014

WWII Enlistment Records Online at NARA

Dick Eastman's column today had an article on the WWII Enlistment records that NARA has just transcribed and put online ( ). Click on WWII records when you get to this website. I found the enlistment record for both my dad and his younger brother. I knew most of the information on the record for my dad, and parts of the information on my un