Thought you all might like to see a photo of "Gramma Deanie" (Deanie Franz) who runs the little shop up in Colville, Washington, where she does our wonderful society vests. She's done the dark green WSGS vests and the dark purple EWGS vests and would be happy to do vests for your society. It's a great coming-together thing! The good folks of the Northeast Washington Genealogical Society started this ball rolling.
Here's what you do: poll your members, see if they are interested. I can tell you they cost right at $30.00 each with postage. EWGS decided that we wanted our members to have them so we subsidized them; members paid $15. They come in S-M-L-XL-XXL-XXXL. They are of study poplin with a pocket on each side of the front. You pay a one-time fee of $40 for her to set up your image (which you send to her digitally) and whether you have one or two colors in the printing affects the cost (NeWGS had two colors). The vest itself comes in many colors. You get an order ready, send the money and the list to Deanie and darn soon all your members will be wearing a society vest!
Contact "Gramma Deanie," or Deanie Franz, at 251 N. Main St, Colville, WA 99114,
509-684-3604, or
We think the vests are great and I think it's great that we're supporting a local Washington business.
Donna, WSGS Blogger
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