Thursday, October 23, 2014

TESTING: Who is reading this blog???

This dreary, rainy morning I present to you a test. If you take this test and post your answers (or send them to me) there will be prizes! Just wanting to see who is reading this blog.............. The test is about our favorite Washington mountain, Mount Rainier:

1.  Who gave Mount Rainier it's "white-man" name? (It was known as Tahoma for eons locally.)

2.  When did Mount Rainier become part of the National Park system?

3.  What year did the first automobiles enter Mount Rainier Park?

4.  How high is Mount Rainier?

5.  When did Mount Rainier last erupt?

6.  Do experts think it will erupt again?

7.  Is Mount Rainier one peak or two peaks or three peaks?

8.  Have you ever climbed Mount Rainier?

9.  Have you ever flown over Mount Rainier?

10. Which of these animals has not been spotted on Mount Rainier: Bald Eagle, Black Bear, Elk, Marmot, SeaStar, or Stellar's Jay?

This Mount Rainier photo was taken by my son on a lucky day when he was flying over:


  1. Yes Rainier is expected to erupt again
    Never climbed any mountain
    Yes flew over it on way to Seattle years ago
    I think a seastar would not be on Mt. Rainier

  2. Hi Donna.

    Thanks for the post. I'm reading here for the first time, having only recently become a member.

    As for the Mt. Rainier quiz, here goes:
    The current name was given to to by George Vancouver who named it after Rear Admiral Peter Rainier.
    It was added in 1899 as the fifth national park.
    The first car was driven into the park in 1907. However, the first one didn't reach Paradise until until 1911 or 1912 (disputed).
    Elevation is 14,411 feet.
    The last "real show" eruption was about 2300 years ago.
    Scientist are quite confident that Rainier WILL erupt again.
    It's considered to have three peaks: Columbia Crest, Point Success and Liberty Cap. Then, of course, it's flanked by Little Tahoma.
    Although I've never climbed it, I've flown over it numerous times and it's always fun to see it from the air.
    I would imagine that SeaStars have not been spotted on the mountain, but hey, who really knows?

    This has been fun. Ain't the internet grand? Ha!

    All the best to you, Brad
