Monday, September 1, 2014

Spotlight on the Kootenai County (Idaho) Genealogical Society

WSGS welcomes the Kootenai County Genealogical Society into membership! KCGS began back in 1979, a spin-off from the Idaho State Genealogical Society. But since geography dictates that KCGS have closer ties to Eastern Washington than to Southern Idaho, KCGS and the Eastern Washington Genealogical Society (in Spokane) share several members. 

This is their website: and they invite you to come learn all about them and their doings. They meet monthly (except July-August and December-January) and many KCGS members are volunteer staffers at the Hayden Family History Center. KCGS has a wonderful partnership with the Hayden Lake Public Library and use the library's meeting room and keep their book collection there. 

Last August 9th, KCGS go-getter-member Kim Morgan arranged a Family History Day at the Hayden Library. There were classes for children and adults such as "Standards for Sound Genealogical Research," and "Help! The Courthouse Burned..Now What?" Pictured below is Kim Morgan with Susan Miner, Billie Jean Grant, Barbara Cole and Bonnie Cook, the arranging committee for this great day. President of KCGS is Jeannie Ventorino with her Board including Donna Schmacker, Louisa Durkin, Carol LaPan and others. 

 Several members of EWGS traveled the short thirty miles east from Spokane to Coeur d'Alene and just north of there to Hayden Lake Public Library to attend the activities on August 9th. EWGS member Janette Birch talks here with Librarian Carol LaPan about KCGS's wonderful British parish records collection. This collection takes up several library shelves and was donated years ago. It includes such gems as the Liverpool Directory for 1766. 

We welcome Kootenai County Genealogical Society into the Washington State Genealogical Society and look forward to some really fun back-and-forth learning and sharing. And who knows how many will travel to use the KCGS British parish records collection, housed in the Hayden  Lake Public Library? 

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