Friday, January 30, 2015

WSGS Launches New Grant Program

Has your Society talked about doing a special project, but been stymied by lack of funds? Do you need a special piece of equipment like a projector or printer for your library? Well…….

The Washington State Genealogical Society is excited to announce the creation of the “WSGS Innovative Grant Program.”
The grants, up to $100, are designed to support the inventive and creative efforts of WSGS-member societies and organizations. We know that $100 doesn't seem like a lot of money, but we also know that local societies can do a lot with very little, so we’re hoping the Innovative Grant Program will be what you need to jump-start a project that has been dreamed about for some time. Up to five grants will be awarded in 2015.
While no means comprehensive, here are some examples of projects that might be considered:

·         Purchase of furniture, equipment, books, magazines or other publications/ subscriptions for an existing or new society library;

·         Locating, inventorying, restoring and/or preserving a local cemetery;

·         Hosting a special event, presentation, or workshop;

·         Purchasing genealogical-related software, scanner, projector, peripherals or other equipment or technology;

·         Developing a project serving special populations, e.g. senior citizens, children/teens, tribal members, ethnic organizations, etc.;

·         Restoring and/or preservation of photos or original documents;

·         Identifying and unifying old photos, Bibles, quilts, letters or other significant memorabilia with family members, museums, or other good homes;

·         Creation of a website, blog or other communication tool;

·         Publication of local history or narratives;

·         Other innovative projects that support and enhances your genealogical society.

The deadline for the Innovative Grant application is April 1, 2015. The simple application is only ONE page and available online here. Additional guidance on the program is here.

For more information, contact Roxanne Lowe, Recognition Chair, at

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