Monday, October 13, 2014

The Society for German Genealogy in Eastern Europe

Melonie Liening is the Region 2 Rep for WSGS. At the WSGS conference last August in Arlington, she mentioned that she was going to attend The Society for German Genealogy in Eastern Europe convention up in Calgary, Canada. I asked her to send me a spot of information on this convention and this group. Here is her report:

I am  sending along a photo of part of the library on display at the SGGEE convention I attended in August.  The Society for German Genealogy in Eastern Europe (which focuses on German genealogy in Poland and Volhynia) has a yearly convention usually held in August.  The society is based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada and rotates its convention site between Canada and the US....two years in Canada followed by a convention in the US.  

This year's site was Calgary with about 100 people in attendance.  There are plans in the works for next year's convention to be held in eastern Canada.  The SGGEE library opens on Thursday evening followed by the official welcome on Friday morning.  After two and a half days of speakers and a German themed banquet dinner Saturday night, the convention closes around noon on Sunday. 

More information about this society, researching Germans in Poland and Volhynia, along with information on next years convention can be found on their website,

Here is a screen shot of that opening/home page. The teeny print of one line reads:  SGGEE focuses on the genealogy of Germans from Russian Poland and Volhynia with some help for related regions.

Melonie and I figure that this information might surely be of helpful interest to other Washington researchers besides herself, so here it is for you.

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